This is the website to find out more about Dillon Burke’s megagame designs, and megagames being hosted by the Wellington Megagame Collective.
Dillon Burke's gaming website
This is the website to find out more about Dillon Burke’s megagame designs, and megagames being hosted by the Wellington Megagame Collective.
We are looking at running a game at Kapcon in Wellington, on Saturday 25 January 2025.
Other megagames in the future will depend on demand from players. You can sign up for future megagames on our Project 20 Megagames page.
Dillon started playing serious strategy games in the 1970s and has been running Megagames in New Zealand since the early 1990s, primarily at gaming conventions in Christchurch and Wellington. These games have also been called “Grand Strategy Games” or the “Saturday Night Special”. He was lucky enough to play in some London based Megagames in 2007/08. In 2017 Dillon was a member of the Megagames Coalition at GENCON 50 in Indianapolis, where he ran Colossus of Atlantis, helped control Watch the Skies, and coordinated a seminar on designing Megagames.
My irregular blog posts are made at Mechanics Are Easy.
The best way to contact Dillon is by emailing grand.vizier@gmail.com.
The Wellington Megagame Collective has a Facebook group.
There is an Aotearoa Megagames server on Discord. Contact us for an invite.